Friday, September 28, 2007

Friend: I've allocated the tutorial questions already.

Me: Thanks, you've been doing a great job.

Friend: I was born to be a secretary.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

The BBC was reporting on the Burmese protests.

Me: I didn't know they had so many monks in Burma.

Friend: When you don't have luxuries of life, why not embrace a lifestyle where you don't need luxuries of life, and yet can still attain Nirvana?

Practical law course lecture:

"Preparation of witnesses is a grey area. Some witnesses are so smart you don't need to prepare them. Some are so stupid there's no point preparing them."

Friday, September 21, 2007

In Civil Procedure class, we need to pretend to be lawyers, give ourselves a law firm name and run a simulated file.

Friend: Uh my opponent is from Truth and Justice LLC. Doesn't sound like it makes money.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Another "legal" MTV. Tort law back here.

Lord Atkins on Donoghue v Stevenson, MTV style. Totally worth checking out here. (Audio required)

Gotta love the part where he goes "Hundred billion legal fees thanks to Ginger Beer" and "I founded modern negligence! I founded modern negligence!"

Monday, September 17, 2007

Just got back from Bangkok. Seriously fun. Most memorable phrase:

" You want to buy friend? PAY NOW!"

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Six years ago on Sept 12 . . .

I was lying on a very lousy bunk bed in the school of military intelligence, trying to memorise pictures of tanks while listening to a sony radio receiver to perfect 10 when the radio broadcast was interrupted with news of the terrorist attack.

Six years on, I'm still wasting my time, this time doing law tutorials. The radio is still filled with terrorist attack stuff.

Some things don't change.

In the mail

"Found $5 on the financial services floor. If you lost it, come claim it."

Monday, September 10, 2007

Family law tutorial, practical law course.

Tutor: Ok let's start with the hypothetical. Hmm it says woman from China. KEEP YOUR MINDS OPEN GUYS. *wink* Oh practical tip, wash your hands after dealing with them.

Friday, September 07, 2007

Soundbytes from the last edu dine:

Me: Why did u leave D*** ?

Lawyer: It was like Ginza Plaza.

* * *

Friend to Lawyer: How did the board of legal education get you to come and attend edu dine?

Lawyer: You know when you skip PLC classes, they record it down, and get you to come for this.

* * *

Friend: the dessert tastes like what would happen if stuff from the body shop was made into the dessert.

Lawyer: Really. I thought the dessert tasted more like those free soap at public toilets.

I'm really not amused with this thing called criminal procedure case management. What happens is this, they give you a fact pattern, some vague instructions along the lines of "do whatever you deem fit" and BINGO! next minute award you an F. And then they tell you what you should have done.

It doesn't help that my tutor is one of the rare few STILL AWARDING Fs, while others adopt a more friendly "since you know shit and were taught nothing the minimum grade we will give is a pass" policy.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

It's been a while since I've had such a lazy afternoon. Brilliant weather, Travis on Itunes and all work obligations thrown to the wind. Reminds me of more carefree Scandinavian days.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Friend 1: Bata is NOT a Singapore company.

Me: I don't believe you.

Friend 1: Wiki it.

Me: Ok you win.

* * *

Me to Friend 2: Did you know Bata is not a Singapore establishment? It's Czech!

Friend 2: Yeah I know. But I don't know how it became so cheap skate.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

We had this negotiation exercise yesterday. The other side wanted exclusive IP rights.

My negotiation partner: Yes, you can have exclusive IP rights. But they must be registered in China.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Me: Are we supposed to rely on common sense to answer Professional Responsibility questions? Cos that's what I've been doing.

Senior: Technically yes, though in your case maybe you shouldn't rely on that.